


1. The election turned not on some seismic slide from left to right but on the choices made by the 6% to 7% of perennially undecided, known as the floating vote, who are swayed more by emotion than ideology.
1. 选举形势的扭转并非取决于从左派到右派的压倒性变化,而是取决于每年6%到7%的那些举棋不定的(选民的)选票。这些选票被称为游移选票;这些选民易受感情而不是思想意识的左右。

2. Mild mannered and precise when he speaks, he is a far cry from the mix of Quakers, pacifists, drafts resisters and hippies who founded the organization a quarter-century ago.
2. 他讲话时举止适度,措辞准确,同那些由辉格党人、和平主义者、草案抵制者以及嘻皮士所组成的大杂烩截然不同,这些人二十五年前创建了该组织。

3. It makes sense for the Dore campaign to make this a contest between Dore as the laconic, quiet man whose words can be trusted and Bill Clinton as the traveling salesman with a line of smooth patter but a suitcase full of damaged goods.
3. 多尔的竞选班子把这作为两人之间的一场竞赛是有道理的。多尔言简意赅,举止文雅,言辞可信;而比尔?克林顿则像个走家串户的推销员,满嘴油腔滑调的行径,只不过是个装满破烂货的皮箱。

4. But I, along with Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain, made it absolutely clear that if he did not fully cooperate we would have no choice but to act without further negotiation or warning.
4. 但我本人以及英国首相托尼?布莱尔曾非常明确地表示:如果他(萨达姆)不全面合作的话,我们别无选择,只有在不进行进一步谈判或警告的情况下就采取行动。

5. What makes it especially hard to explain is the fact that Clinton’s advisers are building scenarios based on layers upon layers of what-ifs, most of which are not anywhere near their control.
5. 尤其难以解释的事实是:克林顿的顾问们在根据一层套一层的“如果怎样就会怎样”的假设来考虑各种可能的情况,而绝大多数假设都远非他们所能控制的。

6. But international opinion, which had shifted behind the U.S. and left Saddam isolated and open to attack, now swung in the other direction.
6. 但是,国际舆论此刻却完全转向另一边。而国际舆论曾经倒向美国,使萨达姆陷入孤立无援、任人打击的境地。

7. The hard test is whether in 50 years Americans will look back at 1998 and say that we raised the bar for public office so high that only saints need apply, or that we dropped it so low that moral authority fell out of the job description.
7. 严峻的考验在于――在今后的五十年中,美国人是否会回首一九九八年,并因此说:我们对公职的要求太高,以至于只有圣人才会申请;或者说我们把标准降得太低,以至于道德威信不再属于工作职责之列。

8. How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends on the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.
8. 以后的工作将如何合理地证实这些预测,取决于所利用信息的数量、可考性和恰当性,也取决于解释信息的技巧和智慧。

9. (Why is this enormous increase in population taking place?) It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of what is coming to be called Death Control.9. (为什么人口会有如此巨大的增长呢?)事实上,这是因为知识传播的结果,也是因为将被称为的养生之道的实践结果。[FS:PAGE]

10.The first aspect of science is the application of the machines, products and systems of applied knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.